Editando Usuario:Ziggy/Vegan Mall

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== Website features ==
== Website features ==
The website can be considered a vegan-specific searchable user-contributed catalogue. All catalogue items recorded are user-contributed and placed in the [[w:Public domain]]; any copyrighted information included in the system must have a copyright notice, be granted permission for inclusion, and link back to the source.
All catalogue items belong in one of the main categories, and may have multiple subcategories. For example, Besan is in the ''Food'' category, and belongs in the ''Flours'', ''Gluten-free flours'' categories.
=== Foodstuffs ===
Products are generic catalogue items, and each product may have multiple varieties, e.g. different brands, packaging, manufacturer/producer. Whilst a product is generally recognisable (pear, soy milk, burger patty, shampoo, jacket), a variety is uniquely identifiable (nashi pear, Regular Soy Milky, Fry's Traditional Burgers, Natures Organics "Fruits" shampoo & conditioner, Vision Vegan Leather Jacket). There are various different cases of what information is required, based on the category and some subcategories, e.g.:
* Fresh produce does not require specifying its grower, vendor, or place of origin; extra information may be added by vendors and pricing, such as organic status and other characteristics.
* Barcoded products are already uniquely identifiable by their barcode, which is their variety.
* Products other than fresh produce and barcoded products such as clothes are typically uniquely identifiable by brand and model; options such as available sizes and colours should be part of the product variety description rather than varieties themselves.
=== Food ===
=== Clothing ===
=== Clothing ===

Por favor observa que todas las contribuciones a La Base Comunitaria de Conocimientos de la Economía Basada en Recursos se consideran hechas públicas bajo la Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain) (véase RBEMWiki:Derechos de autor para más detalles). Si no deseas la modificación y distribución libre de tu obra, entonces no la pongas aquí.
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