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== Personal Pages ==
== Personal Pages ==
Main project
Other stuff
== About me ==
[[File:Weemee Teve.png|That's me|thumb]]
I am a software engineer working in the industrial automation food sector. My software produces a significant amount of the dairy and biscuit industry in Western Europe. So in a way I'm working for the enemy and I'm trying to redeem myself. Actually I'm just looking for a way to improve the world in some way. I've often wondered how to solve some issues I see in the world. So I went looking for alternative monetary systems and found TVP and TZM. These are the first for me that offer a true solution. Right now I live in Belgium in the country side just doing my job like I'm supposed to. I've never been career oriented but it's a way to survive for now. I don't know if I can move to the settlement. A lot depends on the situation in my country and the situation of my family. So probably not. But I will try to add some of my time into the wiki.

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