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<data table="RBE10K_Members" template="Infobox RBE10K_Members">
<data table="RBE10K_Members" template="Infobox RBE10K_Members">
Skills= Writing/editing, computer design (Illustrator and Photoshop), hand drawing, painting (acrylic paint - chinese ink - watercolor), woodcarving, sculpture (clay - cold porcelain), craftsmanship and detailed manual labor (using Recyclable Materials such as wire - plastic bags - cardboard - paper tape - tissue papel - glue, etc.), creativity, out of the box thinking   
Skills= writing/editing, computer design (Illustrator and Photoshop), hand drawing, painting (acrylic paint - chinese ink - watercolor), woodcarving, sculpture (clay - cold porcelain), craftsmanship and detailed manual labor (using Recyclable Materials such as wire - plastic bags - cardboard - paper tape - tissue papel - glue, etc.), creativity, out of the box thinking   
Interests= Literature, poetry, greek mythology, graphic art, art history, comic books, Pop Culture, fantasy and science fiction, cinema, nature, animal life, documentaries, general knowledge, physical and mental health, social relations, research, first hand experimentation, The RBE10K Project (Resource-Based Economy), Peritia (the Graphic Novel)  
Interests= literature, poetry, greek mythology, graphic art, art history, comic books, Pop Culture, fantasy and science fiction, cinema, nature, animal life, documentaries, general knowledge, physical and mental health, social relations, research, first hand experimentation, The RBE10K Project (Resource-Based Economy), Peritia (the Graphic Novel)  

Por favor observa que todas las contribuciones a La Base Comunitaria de Conocimientos de la Economía Basada en Recursos se consideran hechas públicas bajo la Creative Commons Zero (Public Domain) (véase RBEMWiki:Derechos de autor para más detalles). Si no deseas la modificación y distribución libre de tu obra, entonces no la pongas aquí.
También nos aseguras que tú escribiste esto y te pertenecen de los derechos de autor, o lo copiaste desde el dominio público u otra fuente libre. ¡No uses escritos con copyright sin permiso!

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