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Línea 25: Línea 25:
== The new approach to Needs ==
== The new approach to Needs ==
A new approach to defining needs must be centered in the relationship between an individual, with their specific point-in-time characteristics, and their environment. Different people have different needs, and any given individual has different needs at different stages in their life, throughout the day, and even second by second. There is a dynamic equilibrium between an individual and their internal and external environments, an equilibrium that is akin to an organism's homeostasis or the equilibrium found in an entire ecosystem.
A new approach to defining needs must be centered in the relationship between an individual, with their specific point-in-time characteristics, and their environment. Different people has different needs, and any given individual has different needs at different stages in their life, throughout the day, and even second by second. There is a dynamic equilibrium between an individual and their internal and external environments, an equilibrium that is akin to an organism's homeostasis or the equilibrium found in an entire ecosystem.
Human needs change permanently at individual level, and vary greatly at social level too between different groups of people. It can be said that the needs of a community is the total of the added needs of each individual. The [[Team:IMAR | IMAR system]] will provide some personalised guidelines and support for individual needs, and may use this information anonymously to enhance the accuracy of the needs of the community. However the focus of the IMAR system will be to provide for the needs of the community as a general average, at least at first.
Human needs change permanently at individual level, and vary greatly at social level too between different groups of people. It can be said that the needs of a community is the total of the added needs of each individual. The [[Team:IMAR | IMAR system]] will provide some personalised guidelines and support for individual needs, and may use this information anonymously to enhance the accuracy of the needs of the community. However the focus of the IMAR system will be to provide for the needs of the community as a general average, at least at first.

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