Editando Plantilla:Citation Style documentation/web

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Línea 1: Línea 1:
* <span id="csdoc_title" />'''title''': Title of web page. Displays in quotes.
* '''title''': Title of web page. Displays in quotes.
:Titles containing certain characters will display and link incorrectly unless those characters are encoded.
:Titles containing certain characters will display and link incorrectly unless those characters are encoded.
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: 5em"
{| class="wikitable" style="margin-left: 5em"
Línea 6: Línea 6:
| space || &amp;#91; || &amp;#93; || &amp;#124;
| space || &amp;#91; || &amp;#93; || &amp;#124;
:* <span id="csdoc_trans_title" />'''trans_title''': If the source cited is in a foreign language, an English translation of the title can be given here. The template will display this in square brackets after the '''work''' field and it will link to the '''url''' field, if used. Use of the '''language''' parameter is recommended.
:* '''trans_title''': If the source cited is in a foreign language, an English translation of the title can be given here. The template will display this in square brackets after the '''work''' field and it will link to the '''url''' field, if used. Use of the '''language''' parameter is recommended.
{{Citation Style documentation/required
{{Citation Style documentation/required
Línea 19: Línea 19:
* <span id="csdoc_work" />'''work''': Title of website; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or '''url''' may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in italics.
* '''work''': Title of website; can be wikilinked to an existing Wikipedia article or '''url''' may be used to add an external link, but not both. Displays in italics.

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