Editando Plantilla:!/doc

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{{Subpágina de documentación}}
{{Documentation subpage}}
=== Uso ===
<!-- DO NOT move the "pp-template" to the template page since the ! template should be as short as possible to save server load (to not break template inclusion limits). -->
Esta plantilla auxiliar permite poner «<code>|</code>» dentro de los parámetros de plantillas. Es necesaria si el carácter se usa en la sintaxis wiki de una [[Ayuda:Tablas|tabla]], o si el parámetro está automáticamente enlazado y desea usar una [[Pleca|barra vertical]] para especificar un texto de enlace diferente del nombre de la página a la que se enlaza. En otros casos es mejor usar «<code>&amp;#124;</code>».
Esta plantilla no debe usarse para poner el carácter como texto en una tabla wiki ni en una firma de usuario personalizada; en esos casos puede usarse «<code>&amp;#124;</code>».
== Usage ==
=== Plantillas relacionadas ===
This is the {{t<noinclude>n</noinclude><includeonly>l</includeonly>|!}} meta-template. Its use is analogous to an [[escape character]].
* {{ep|!!}}
* {{ep|!-}}
[[Categoría:Wikipedia:Plantillas para evitar la evaluación por MediaWiki]]
This is an auxiliary template allowing the encoding of "<code>|</code>" within template parameters, because the pipe character is normally interpreted as a separator. This template is necessary if the character is used in wiki table syntax, or if the parameter is automatically wikilinked and you wish to use a pipe to specify different link text from the target page name. In other cases it is better to use "<code>&amp;#124;</code>".
This template cannot be used for putting the character as text in a wiki table; in that case, again,  "<code>&amp;#124;</code>" can be used.
Note that no special template is needed for "<code>!</code>" (exclamation mark).
This is a [[WP:high-risk template|high-risk template]], and it usually cannot be [[Wikipedia:Substitution|substituted]] (see conditions for substing on [[#Substitution|the section below]]).
=== Substitution ===
It is possible to [[Wikipedia:Substitution|substitute]] <nowiki>{{!}}</nowiki> only if an unescaped "'''<code>|</code>'''" works as expected, i.e. after substituting the template containing <nowiki>{{!}}</nowiki>, or after eliminating an
[[mw:Help:Extension:ParserFunctions#.23if|#if]] containing <nowiki>{{!}}</nowiki>.
=== A simple example ===
The following template code for {{tl|Quotation}} using an ordinary pipe character,
* <code><nowiki>{{Quotation|It is not possible to use an ordinary pipe character | in template parameters, as it will be interpreted as a separator.|[[Help:Template#Usage hints and workarounds]]}}</nowiki></code>
{{Quotation|It is not possible to use an ordinary pipe character | in template parameters, as it will be interpreted as a separator.|[[Help:Template#Usage hints and workarounds]]}}
whereas this code using the <nowiki>{{!}}</nowiki> meta-template,
* <code><nowiki>{{Quotation|It is not possible to use an ordinary pipe character {{!}} in template parameters, as it will be interpreted as a separator.|[[Help:Template#Usage hints and workarounds]]}}</nowiki></code>
{{Quotation|It is not possible to use an ordinary pipe character {{!}} in template parameters, as it will be interpreted as a separator.|[[Help:Template#Usage hints and workarounds]]}}
== See also ==
* {{tl|!!}} creates ||
* {{tl|!-}} creates |-
* {{tl|-!}} creates &amp;nbsp;|
* {{tn|'}} and related
* [[Wikipedia:Conditional tables]]
* {{tl|pipe}} - Note that this one looks like {{tlf|!}} but has a very different meaning for the MediaWiki parser and thus has different functionality.
* {{tn|(}} creates {
* {{tn|((}} creates {{
* {{tn|)}} creates }
* {{tn|))}} creates }}
* {{tl|!(}} creates [
* {{tl|)!}} creates ]  
* {{tl|(!}} creates {|
* {{tl|!)}} creates |} 
* {{tl|1==}} creates =
* {{tl|Bar box}} — since {{tl|Bar}} redirects here
[[Category:Template namespace templates]]
[[Category:Wikipedia formatting and function templates]]
[[ky:Калып:Өлкө 7]]
[[nv:Bee álnééhí:!]]
[[vi:Bản mẫu:!]]

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